Tuesday, November 19, 2013
6 Pocket pants for the boy!
So almost done with the 6 pocket pants for my son, well with the mock- up pants in white muslin with red Velcro. Instead of doing a full thigh pocket like the pattern I did a half pocket on both legs. For the pair in fashion fabric the pockets will have exposed zippers in place of the Velcro. The pants are almost done I just need to decide if the closure will be a zipper and button or just an elasticized waistband. The pattern calls for an elasticized waistband, but what 7 year old wants that? So I have to do a fly zipper and button for the closure. Now to just find the perfect fashion fabric for him. Black fabric with blue bug fabric for the contrasting pockets and lining. Will have pictures soon as the kiddos go down for their naps this afternoon.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Winter is here, so what happened to Fall?
So this week we have winter in Colorado. Now I have to whip up a ton of winter ready clothing for the kids. Have been sewing hats and gloves for the kiddos and myself, I am hoping to get enough hats made to donate to a local shelter or families in need. Not sure where to start looking for this goal. Anyone have any ideas? I'm open to suggestions! When the wind kicks down, I'll be able to open my storage shed for more fabric, the winter stuff is hiding in there. The kids are getting double layered pants and long sleeve shirts to wear under their t-shirts. Gotha love layers!
For this project I will be using patterns, I got from the Arch for less then $.50. This one is for my long legged daughter.
Most of the patterns that I have collected are used and from Goodwill or the Arch.
For this project I will be using patterns, I got from the Arch for less then $.50. This one is for my long legged daughter.

Here is the pattern for my son, it needs a few changes made to it. The waistband needs updating and the pattern its self has been cut of a size 14. He wears an 7 with the length of an 8. I have pretty tall kids for their ages
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Halloween Costume pieces
So it's been busy around here, we have had health issues to deal with and birthday parties to plan.
Now that its calmed down around here...... I have been working on Halloween costume pieces for the kids. My daughter is going to be a princess, but all the dresses we found at resale shops are sleeveless. That doesn't work well for the weather here in Colorado, so I came up with a crop jacket with bell sleeves and "gloves." The gloves are glove less and come up to mid-arm, I currently don't have a picture of these. They are still getting gold glitter designs for a more detailed look. Here is the jacket to go with the pink princess dress. The gold glitter really adds the finishing touches to the jacket. It looks like I bought them together, so happy with it.
So I think the cape needs a backing fabric like red or blue, something that matches the color of his costume. My husband thinks it looks okay like it is.
Now that its calmed down around here...... I have been working on Halloween costume pieces for the kids. My daughter is going to be a princess, but all the dresses we found at resale shops are sleeveless. That doesn't work well for the weather here in Colorado, so I came up with a crop jacket with bell sleeves and "gloves." The gloves are glove less and come up to mid-arm, I currently don't have a picture of these. They are still getting gold glitter designs for a more detailed look. Here is the jacket to go with the pink princess dress. The gold glitter really adds the finishing touches to the jacket. It looks like I bought them together, so happy with it.
The next piece is a Spiderman cape for my son. We are doing recycled/handmade holidays this year, so his Spiderman costume is getting make over with a spider web cape and hat with the same design as his costume. We found the mask to his costume this week. It was in a box still unpacked from a trip back in February. I'm still working on the hat.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Costume change for Batman dress!
The Batman dress gets a costume change! I love the red tulle so much more then the pink and I added a tulle flower. Plus I found another sweet character shirt that can't wait to be something new! This dress is going in the Just Between Friends Sale next week (much to my daughter's disappointment.) She loves the dress and wants to buy it with her allowance. I'm torn about giving it to her or selling it, the shirt was bought to make and sell but she wants it. Anyone have any thoughts on my issue?
Monday, September 16, 2013
Just between Friends Sale
So I decided to consign at the Just Between Friends event next weekend. So excited about it too! So I have a few items in the sale so far. A Jungle Babies (design by Patty Reed) pack n play sheet, fleece skirt, batman dress, nursing pads, jungle babies comforter and two pairs of Capri, plus a pleated skirt. 

I have a few more days so here's to hoping that sewing can be done soon! More designs in the works! I saw a fur coat at Babies R Us that I want to copy for my niece! The coat is by Heidi Klum and the brand is Scrumptious or Truly Scrumptious. I liked the design style and she needs a coat. I have a spotted blue faux fur to use for this design.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Reuseable Nursing Pads
Got milk? Got spillage? Need these?
After visiting with my new niece, my sister was in need of these nursing pads. She doesn't like having to pay a minimum of $15.00 for a box of disposable pads, who can blame her? It gets expensive when your maternity leave is not paid. Little sister gets a set of 4 nursing pads. We even went looking around at Baby's r Us for a set of nursing pads and they wanted between 10.00 and 39.99 dollars for their available brands. So she has tried these out and they work wonderfully. My sister can't wait for me to make her a few more nursing pads! I think they will make a great baby shower gift too. I'll post when I get some made up and for sale on eBay. Right now eBay is the cheapest platform for my sewing right now. I am looking forward to setting up an etsy account by the end of the year. Does anyone else have an idea on where to sell? I am on a very tight budget.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Up-cycled Batman Dress for sale on eBay
This dress is made from a t-shirt I found at Good Will, its too small for me and too big for a kid. So I down sized it with the serger to be a size 8/9. I love the tulle on this design, it makes the shirt so much cuter. The tulle is so much brighter in person then with my camera phone. I have it posted for sale on eBay it has one day and 17 hours left on this auction. The cost of the dress is $10.00. It is such a great dress. Look up the name Up-cycled t-shirt dress size 8 girls! or my seller name, helping2pay4school. Please check out what I am selling.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Capri pants for Fall 2013
With Fall around the corner, what does one make for the new season? I think Capri pants are perfect for the hot days and then warm evenings. So going through my fabric stash I found a gorgeous gingham and a denim looking stretch cotton. The gingham is a soft teal with petite squares, that looks adorable on my model. I just didn't getting pictures of her with the pants on :(. The denim is dark blue with orange on the inside. The third pair is sparkly purple plaid with teal lines.
This is a bad picture for the stretch denim, but they are still cute! I used a contrasting material for the inside waistband which really goes with the orange. I so need to get pictures of these on my model. Here is a better picture with a third pair of Capri.
The pair on top is the stretch denim with the contrasting waistband. I love the rounded pockets on the teal gingham, and sparkly purple plaid has a contrasting waistband in teal green. What's great about these pants is their length! I love how they work for cool and hot days.

Sunday, September 1, 2013
Upcycled boys t-shirts!
Do you have a pile of kids t-shirts that are full of holes, but the design is still good? Well as spring/summer cleaning has taken place, there are a ton of shirts that need a new purpose. So here's how you diminish your old wear shirts, when Michaels or Jo Ann's has plain colored sheet on sale buy as many as you need. Then cut out the design with a small edge around it, either hand sew or machine sew the pieces to the new shirt. To make the designs look different you can dye, or stitch different directions through the design. The limit is your imagination! The two shirts I did, had so limits to them, one has plastic one it and other has puffy paint which doesn't work so well with the needle.
Handmade BookBags for the new school year
This post is very late, due to my niece tossing a cup of soda on my computer. I had to wait until I could afford a new one or a cleaning. Which I went for the cleaning, here is my backpack post!
My kids needed new book bags because their bags ripped by the end of the year. Which in itself is pretty good, due to the cheap quality of Wal-Mart products. So being as cheap as Wal-Mart, we dug through my fabric stash and found a bolt of bag fabric. Having found this at Good Will, over the summer, for $4.00 it was a steal. The original plan was to sell it on eBay, but I kind of got attached to it. I do that with all the fabric I buy or find. It's a bad habit, when you need to downsize your stash. The first bag is a messenger bag for my girl. It is a white base with pink, neon green, and brown polka dots. I had some quilted pink for the lining. The supplies for this bag came totally from my stash (yay!). The pattern for this bag came from another messenger bag, but I added way more pockets on the inside and one on the outside.
The next bag is a backpack design, which I used his bag from last year as the pattern, however I know for next time, there needs to have at least 3 inches added to the pattern to make it big enough. I seem to have forgotten that little boys love to pack everything they can into it for school. (Even if it shouldn't go to school.) So this bag cost me about $8.00 to make because I needed 2 yards of black fabric, half yard of bright yard fabric and iron on letters. I would have made the letters however I could not find the interfacing when I needed it. We all know that kids like new book bags on the first day of school. So one of his shirts has a batman sign on it and I used it for the design pattern by free hand drawing the shapes. The straps came off of another bag that was beyond repair. The zipper is from my zipper box, you can find the best deals for zippers on eBay.
My kids needed new book bags because their bags ripped by the end of the year. Which in itself is pretty good, due to the cheap quality of Wal-Mart products. So being as cheap as Wal-Mart, we dug through my fabric stash and found a bolt of bag fabric. Having found this at Good Will, over the summer, for $4.00 it was a steal. The original plan was to sell it on eBay, but I kind of got attached to it. I do that with all the fabric I buy or find. It's a bad habit, when you need to downsize your stash. The first bag is a messenger bag for my girl. It is a white base with pink, neon green, and brown polka dots. I had some quilted pink for the lining. The supplies for this bag came totally from my stash (yay!). The pattern for this bag came from another messenger bag, but I added way more pockets on the inside and one on the outside.

If you would like a yard of the Polka Dot bag fabric, just leave a note in the comments and I will get back to you details.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Box pleated skirt!
Here is my first box pleated skirt, I just like the way it fits my daughter and can't wait to make one for my niece. I found this pattern on the site called and it is free if you want to give it a try. I was having a hard time getting my pleated design to work, so I went looking for one to make to figure out what I am doing wrong. For her pattern you have to cut each piece and sew them together to make the pleats. For my pattern I was not making my pleat uniform in size, so I kept messing it up. When you have an impatient daughter it can get a little stressful. ( This could be why I sew when they are asleep or not around me.)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Baby shower was fun plus more sheets!
The baby shower was a hit! My niece will be clothed until she is 6 months old. I'm sad and happy about that, was hoping to make her some clothing. Moving on to a brighter note; I have made two Pack n Play sheets! The theme is jungle animals (of course) with polka-dots and a matching solid brown with polka-dots. Please forgive the awful pictures, so need to find my camera.
These are so cute because they are so little! I just love the way each one has turned out. I will be posting this set of sheets on eBay before the weekend.
Have to say making sheets for baby's bed is really easy and fast. Each sheet takes about 20- 30 minutes from start to finish, it takes me longer because I have to locate my sewing bags for each project.

Monday, July 8, 2013
Gift for new daddy!
So my sister's baby shower is a week away and I just got the baby's name on the blanket. However the father of the child now wants to change it, nice, huh? So I don't know if I should finish sewing the name onto the fleece or wait, but my sister says that's her name. So what should I do? Has anyone ever run into this issue? On another note, here is his baby gift from me. I know.... they are having a girl but he is such a broncos fan that even her older sister watches the games every Sunday. Now he has a soft and warm blanket to wrap her up in.
The blanket is made from 1 yard of patterned fleece with blanket binding. I love this binding because it is so soft and silky against the baby's skin. I folded the yard in half so it will be warm enough during football season. Then you place the blanket binding around all the edges and pin in place. Make sure to not make the edges meet at the corner. it is very hard to get the binding to stay just right when you sew. Once everything is pinned sew using a blanket stitch (if your machine has one) or a wide zigzag stitch. Wow! its just that easy and the special daddy won't mind whenever you drop by. ;)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013
No sewing or designing makes me very sad.
So life has been very crazy around here! I have not had much time to post or do any sewing, which is so very bad. I have the general idea of the pleated skirt dress ready and still need to draft the pattern for the skirt. The last two weeks have gone by in a rush of job searches and stressing over student loans which are due here soon. Yikes, the total repayment amount is that of a 3 bedroom apartment in the city. Before the craziness began I was working on the lettering for my sister's baby blanket. They have chosen a long first name with 9 letters. So after printing out the name in different fonts, I have decided to go with white flocked letters against the pink jersey knit. It will look great against the pink fleece, maybe I can get it done tonight.
Just to refresh your memory, above is the fleece and below is the pink rib knit.
Just to refresh your memory, above is the fleece and below is the pink rib knit.
Here is flocked letters I will be using. And I got them on clearance, YAY!
Now let's see if I can do this without upsetting the two new additions to house. Oh yeah, today my brother drop his dogs off for a couple of weeks why they find a place and move in.
Monday, June 17, 2013
New swim suit for my picky 8 year old.
Note to self when packing up a swim suit make sure you have all the pieces in one box. I have been searching for the bottoms to her suit as the summer days heat up by 830 am. Well after weeks of looking through boxes and boxes, I'm giving up and trying my hand at making one. So I sat down and traced a pair of her undies, made a mock-up and did a fitting. The first mock-up was too short in back area with her crack showing. From there I made a better pattern with a new mock-up which fit great! Now it's time to cut and sew the real thing from swim suit/ dance wear fabric in neon green. It's doesn't look like neon green with the web cam, but it is (I so need my camera back.)
This goes back to packing things that go together in one box, one day I will learn my lesson (Battery charger and battery go together). So the first try in the swim suit material needs to be fix the elastic is too loose and back to the sewing machine I go!
So this is the swimsuit bottom before I fix it. Once I get the elastic pulled off I will redo it and update the post.
Love the sheets!
Here is the first and second sheets for my sister's baby shower gift. I can't wait to see the sheets in her nursery. Again I used the instructions on the site Dana Made It and it is so simple to do. The only thing I did different was shortened the elastic in the jungle print and it worked great. The sheet is snug and tight with no worries of the sheet coming off the bed during sleep.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
First crib sheet is done!
Here is the crib sheet and its finally finished. I love this print, which I found at Wal-Mart for 5.45 a yard. I found the tutorial at l-crib-and-toddler-bed-sheets.html#comment-210010. This site has so much great information for anything sewing. Check out her site and whip one up today. The sheet was really easy to make as along as you cut it the right length. It would have only taken 30 minutes if I had not put it up for the night. Once I put things away they tend to disappear on me. The next sheet I am making has some really cute animals on it, I just need to wash it first. It takes two yards of your favorite fabric cut to length of your mattress and enough elastic to stretch around your mattress. Dana from Made really did a great job explaining this so I'm going to refer you back to her site. I love this fabric so much she may get a dust ruffle too. I have more baby things to make today, like a monkey flannel blanket. It is plain white with brown monkey outlines which I plan on coloring a pastel pink with Fabric Markers by Marvy Uchida and Sharpie. I ended up using four colors; bright and pastel pink then a pastel and dark purple. Then I will cut it to receiving blanket size and hopefully there will be enough for wipes, too. Back to work I go!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
New designs in the works!
So I'm taking a short vacation from my day job and have come up with new designs. The first one is a tank dress with a box pleated skirt. I have the just the fabric for the skirt, it is a red and black plaid. Now to find the right material for the top and I am thinking a black jersey would be great. I have just enough for a girls size 8/10 top too. Here is my sketch for it.
I think a pattern print would work great with this too. However I'm on a no spend month in June and have to use up some of my stash. My stash has began to overrun my room and I can't really move around in there. So I will have pictures of fabric up soon. Long this line I'm thinking of drop waist dresses with feather fringe at the hem, still working out the design details on this one.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Can't forget shorts for the boys! Big Pocket Shorts!
Summer is here and the 80 degree to 90 degree weather requires shorts and t-shirts. This pattern is one that I drafted a few weeks ago, but didn't get to put it together until last week. I am trying different pocket designs, however I don't care for back pockets. Was hoping for more of a box shape then flat. I have a bolt of muslin and decided to make my own print for his shorts. The print is a first try of cars. There needs to be way more cars and stop signs repeating on it, even with that it was fun to do.
Here is a new pair with big side pockets but not back pockets.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Knit shorts ushering in the summer!
Ahh the joys of summer, cleaning out the winter clothes and filling their drawers with t-shirts, tank tops and shorts. Oh wait my daughter has no shorts; time to get out the scrap boxes. This may take a while..........................................................................................................................................................
........................................................................Still looking...........................................................................................
....................................................Very scary in the storage shed...............................................................................................................
OK so I found pink rib knit with cheerleader themed print and plain purple (had to go through six boxes). I'm trying not to buy more fabric this month. I am saving up to buy enough fabric to make a line of clothing to sale at the Just Between Friends consignment in September. I'm hoping it will be a launching place for my line.
Anyway I've gotten off track, back to the shorts and the pictures.
........................................................................Still looking...........................................................................................
....................................................Very scary in the storage shed...............................................................................................................
OK so I found pink rib knit with cheerleader themed print and plain purple (had to go through six boxes). I'm trying not to buy more fabric this month. I am saving up to buy enough fabric to make a line of clothing to sale at the Just Between Friends consignment in September. I'm hoping it will be a launching place for my line.
Anyway I've gotten off track, back to the shorts and the pictures.
So on this pair I painted with glitter. The squid reminded me of water and summer, so here it is. I really like the glitter paint from Tulip. Found it at Big Lots for $3.00, just wished they had different colors. The squid is a stencil from the Crayola air brush set. Once it dries I will add a shark on the
other side.
This pair of shorts is made from pink rib knit with a cheerleader theme. This fabric came from Hancock 's originally meant for pull-ups. Had about a half yard left. Wish I had more so I could add it to the Just Between Friends Sale.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Sewing question? Rib Knit Bias tape cut on grain or bias?
Have a sewing question for anyone, I am putting pink rib knit bias tape around the edges of a pink and white polka dot piece of fleece. My question is do I cut the rib knit on the bias which is not as stretchy or on straight grain which is very stretchy? I know when you make bias tape from woven cotton it is cut on the bias for the stretch, however rib knit is stretchy on the straight grain. So how do I this? I only have one piece of the pink rib knit as it was the leftovers.
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Stretched on the straight grain |
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Stretched on the bias |
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
UPDATE to New baby on the way
Here are the pictures of the fabric for her baby! I love this giraffe print and cant wait to finish the crib sheet. Got this fabric from Wal-Mart for about $6.00 a yard.
Sorry I have the worst webcam. Here is one of the blankets that I will be selling on
Sorry I have the worst webcam. Here is one of the blankets that I will be selling on
This blanket has the Noah Ark scene on the front and tan leaves on the back. I'll post when I get a better camera or just find mine and will have pictures up for
This is the patty reed jungle babies blanket and it will be on Craftsu soon.
I will have better pictures soon.
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