The Batman dress gets a costume change! I love the red tulle so much more then the pink and I added a tulle flower. Plus I found another sweet character shirt that can't wait to be something new! This dress is going in the Just Between Friends Sale next week (much to my daughter's disappointment.) She loves the dress and wants to buy it with her allowance. I'm torn about giving it to her or selling it, the shirt was bought to make and sell but she wants it. Anyone have any thoughts on my issue?
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Just between Friends Sale
So I decided to consign at the Just Between Friends event next weekend. So excited about it too! So I have a few items in the sale so far. A Jungle Babies (design by Patty Reed) pack n play sheet, fleece skirt, batman dress, nursing pads, jungle babies comforter and two pairs of Capri, plus a pleated skirt. 

I have a few more days so here's to hoping that sewing can be done soon! More designs in the works! I saw a fur coat at Babies R Us that I want to copy for my niece! The coat is by Heidi Klum and the brand is Scrumptious or Truly Scrumptious. I liked the design style and she needs a coat. I have a spotted blue faux fur to use for this design.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Reuseable Nursing Pads
Got milk? Got spillage? Need these?
After visiting with my new niece, my sister was in need of these nursing pads. She doesn't like having to pay a minimum of $15.00 for a box of disposable pads, who can blame her? It gets expensive when your maternity leave is not paid. Little sister gets a set of 4 nursing pads. We even went looking around at Baby's r Us for a set of nursing pads and they wanted between 10.00 and 39.99 dollars for their available brands. So she has tried these out and they work wonderfully. My sister can't wait for me to make her a few more nursing pads! I think they will make a great baby shower gift too. I'll post when I get some made up and for sale on eBay. Right now eBay is the cheapest platform for my sewing right now. I am looking forward to setting up an etsy account by the end of the year. Does anyone else have an idea on where to sell? I am on a very tight budget.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Up-cycled Batman Dress for sale on eBay
This dress is made from a t-shirt I found at Good Will, its too small for me and too big for a kid. So I down sized it with the serger to be a size 8/9. I love the tulle on this design, it makes the shirt so much cuter. The tulle is so much brighter in person then with my camera phone. I have it posted for sale on eBay it has one day and 17 hours left on this auction. The cost of the dress is $10.00. It is such a great dress. Look up the name Up-cycled t-shirt dress size 8 girls! or my seller name, helping2pay4school. Please check out what I am selling.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Capri pants for Fall 2013
With Fall around the corner, what does one make for the new season? I think Capri pants are perfect for the hot days and then warm evenings. So going through my fabric stash I found a gorgeous gingham and a denim looking stretch cotton. The gingham is a soft teal with petite squares, that looks adorable on my model. I just didn't getting pictures of her with the pants on :(. The denim is dark blue with orange on the inside. The third pair is sparkly purple plaid with teal lines.
This is a bad picture for the stretch denim, but they are still cute! I used a contrasting material for the inside waistband which really goes with the orange. I so need to get pictures of these on my model. Here is a better picture with a third pair of Capri.
The pair on top is the stretch denim with the contrasting waistband. I love the rounded pockets on the teal gingham, and sparkly purple plaid has a contrasting waistband in teal green. What's great about these pants is their length! I love how they work for cool and hot days.

Sunday, September 1, 2013
Upcycled boys t-shirts!
Do you have a pile of kids t-shirts that are full of holes, but the design is still good? Well as spring/summer cleaning has taken place, there are a ton of shirts that need a new purpose. So here's how you diminish your old wear shirts, when Michaels or Jo Ann's has plain colored sheet on sale buy as many as you need. Then cut out the design with a small edge around it, either hand sew or machine sew the pieces to the new shirt. To make the designs look different you can dye, or stitch different directions through the design. The limit is your imagination! The two shirts I did, had so limits to them, one has plastic one it and other has puffy paint which doesn't work so well with the needle.
Handmade BookBags for the new school year
This post is very late, due to my niece tossing a cup of soda on my computer. I had to wait until I could afford a new one or a cleaning. Which I went for the cleaning, here is my backpack post!
My kids needed new book bags because their bags ripped by the end of the year. Which in itself is pretty good, due to the cheap quality of Wal-Mart products. So being as cheap as Wal-Mart, we dug through my fabric stash and found a bolt of bag fabric. Having found this at Good Will, over the summer, for $4.00 it was a steal. The original plan was to sell it on eBay, but I kind of got attached to it. I do that with all the fabric I buy or find. It's a bad habit, when you need to downsize your stash. The first bag is a messenger bag for my girl. It is a white base with pink, neon green, and brown polka dots. I had some quilted pink for the lining. The supplies for this bag came totally from my stash (yay!). The pattern for this bag came from another messenger bag, but I added way more pockets on the inside and one on the outside.
The next bag is a backpack design, which I used his bag from last year as the pattern, however I know for next time, there needs to have at least 3 inches added to the pattern to make it big enough. I seem to have forgotten that little boys love to pack everything they can into it for school. (Even if it shouldn't go to school.) So this bag cost me about $8.00 to make because I needed 2 yards of black fabric, half yard of bright yard fabric and iron on letters. I would have made the letters however I could not find the interfacing when I needed it. We all know that kids like new book bags on the first day of school. So one of his shirts has a batman sign on it and I used it for the design pattern by free hand drawing the shapes. The straps came off of another bag that was beyond repair. The zipper is from my zipper box, you can find the best deals for zippers on eBay.
My kids needed new book bags because their bags ripped by the end of the year. Which in itself is pretty good, due to the cheap quality of Wal-Mart products. So being as cheap as Wal-Mart, we dug through my fabric stash and found a bolt of bag fabric. Having found this at Good Will, over the summer, for $4.00 it was a steal. The original plan was to sell it on eBay, but I kind of got attached to it. I do that with all the fabric I buy or find. It's a bad habit, when you need to downsize your stash. The first bag is a messenger bag for my girl. It is a white base with pink, neon green, and brown polka dots. I had some quilted pink for the lining. The supplies for this bag came totally from my stash (yay!). The pattern for this bag came from another messenger bag, but I added way more pockets on the inside and one on the outside.

If you would like a yard of the Polka Dot bag fabric, just leave a note in the comments and I will get back to you details.
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